My name is Lorea Burges. I have developed my professional career around the area of Marketing and Comunication, both catered to Private and Public Businesses. However, I have specialised in the Social area and the Environment and Animal Protection area.
I believe that businesses need to include sustainability in economic, social and environmental aspects, and be innovative in that way. Thus, I believe in social and collaborative economy.
Having my own sensitivities in mind, I decided to start erein, a business that contributes to create solutions to environmental and social problems that are arising on this day an age, using education and my knowledge in Marketing and Communication.
Unfortunately, in such a complex world, team work is not an option anymore. For us entrepeneurs, getting together is a necessity. For that reason, erein is a platform where psofessionals who come from various areas use a networking system to co-create new and better values while we empower each other.